How to make motherhood easier

How to Make Motherhood Easier: 10 HIGHLY EFFECTIVE Tips & Strategies, PROVEN To Be Beneficial

If you’re a mom, then you know that motherhood can be both rewarding and challenging. There are days when it feels like everything is going great, and other days when you feel like you’re barely holding on. But don’t worry, you’re not alone! Here are 10 tips on how to make motherhood easier on yourself.

From simple things like setting realistic goals, to more complicated things, these tips can make a big difference in your day-to-day life as a mom. So if you’re looking for some help, continue reading as we’ll dive deeper into some tried and true methods on how to make motherhood easier!

1. Focus on Stability Not Schedules

I’m sure you’ve heard it before, “children thrive off schedules and the key to being a successful mom is to utilize schedules”, well… One of the best pieces of advice I have for new moms is to focus on having a stable routine rather than adhering to a strict schedule.

Of course, there will be times when you need to be places at certain times and have things happen in a timely manner. However, for the most part, it’s important to be flexible. Life with a baby is unpredictable and trying to stick to a schedule will only make you frustrated. A routine gives you some structure but is also flexible enough to accommodate the needs of you and your baby.

2. Utilize Toy Rotation

A great way to keep your toddler entertained and engaged is to utilize a toy rotation. This means having a designated number of toys that are accessible to your child at any given time. The rest of the toys are stored away out of sight. Every few weeks, you can switch out the toys that are available to your child. This will help to prevent toy overload, keep things tidier, easier to clean, and keep your toddler from getting bored.

3. Utilize Meal Plans and Meal Prep

One of the best ways to save time and energy as a busy mom is to meal plan and meal prep. Meal planning can help you to make better decisions about what you’re going to eat during the week and make it less likely that you’ll end up eating out. Meal prepping can save you even more time by doing some of the work ahead of time so you don’t have to through the week. You can prep meals or ingredients for meals so that all you have to do is heat them up or put them together when you’re ready to eat.

4. Start Small with Goals and Be Realistic

It’s important to start small when setting goals for yourself as a new mom. Trying to do too much at once is likely to set you up for failure. Be realistic about what you can accomplish given your current circumstances. Once you’ve accomplished one goal, you can move on to the next.

5. Make Cleaning Easier By Having a Storage Place for Everything in Every Room

One of the most frustrating things about being a mom is feeling like you’re constantly cleaning up after your kids. You can make things easier on yourself by having a place for everything and teaching your kids to put things away when they’re done with them. In every room, have a designated spot for toys, art supplies, clothes, shoes, etc. This will help to keep things tidy and make it easier for you to find things when you need them.

Some examples are small decorative baskets in the family living room for accumulated toys that you empty at the end of each week. As well as, small hampers with lids under the bathroom sink or hanging behind the door, for clothes and blankets that get scattered…if you don’t have a laundry shoot.

6. Invest in Self Cleaning Technology

One of the best ways to save time and energy when it comes to cleaning is to invest in self-cleaning technology. This can include things like robot vacuums and mops, self cleaning ovens, dishwashers, uv sanitizing stations, bottle cleaners and more. These devices can help to make your life a lot easier by doing some of the work for you.

7. Be More Organized

Being organized can help you to save time and energy in all areas of your life. When you’re organized, you know where things are and can find them when you need them. This can help to save you time and frustration. Purchase Avery printable labels and pick up a few plastic canisters from the dollar store or more durable decorative ones from the home goods store, target or amazon. Then, label pantry items that you use and stock often.

You can organize linen closets, cleaning closets, toy storage, fridge and freezer items and almost everything. There are many different ways to be organized. Find what works for you and stick with it.

8. Encourage Self-Sufficiency

Encouraging your kids to be self-sufficient can help you to save a lot of time and energy. When your kids are able to do things for themselves, it frees you up to do other things. This can include things like getting dressed, brushing teeth, making their bed, packing their own school lunch, and more. You can encourage self sufficiency in young toddlers by incorporating Montessori Methods into your daily life and allowing them to help you do things around the home. Make safe objects accessible their cups, snacks, toys and more.

9. Invest In a Baby Carrier

A baby carrier can be a lifesaver for new moms. It allows you to keep your baby close while still being able to use your hands. This can be helpful when you need to get things done around the house or when you’re out and about.

When my toddler was an infant, we did not sleep train him, so getting him to sleep took a bit longer, but utilizing a baby wrap made it more comfortable and convenient for me to rock him to sleep and also get other things done.

There are many different types of carriers, slings and wraps available, so find one that is comfortable for you and your baby.

10. Play Pen

A playpen can also be a great way to keep your toddler safe and entertained while you get things done around the house. It’s important to make sure that you supervise your child when they’re in the playpen, but it can be a great way to allow them to play independently while you get things done. It also keeps them from getting into things that can be dangerous or u

Final Remarks

Motherhood is a journey and although it can be hard sometimes, know that it gets easier with time. Remember that these moment won’t last always, so try to cherish every moment that you have while you can, because one day you will look back and miss them.

Finding how to make motherhood easier depends on your current situation lifestyle, and what works for you and your family. Some of the tips in this blog post might work for you and some might not, they are generally helpful in nature and provided to be a guide of tips and strategies for you to try, with hope that it will benefit you, as much as it did other moms just like you. The important thing is to find what works best for you and your family.

I hope you found these tips helpful. If you have any other tips that you would like to share, please leave a comment below.

Thanks for reading!

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